Offer General Hydroponics RainForest Modular 318 - Vortex Sprayer
For propagating cuttings or for quick-starting seeds seedlings or transplants no hydroponic system exists that will match the performance of the RainForest. The Vortex Sprayer lifts and oxygenates nutrient solution then gently distributes over cutting base or root system giving you the most oxygen in the root zone possible. This system is ideal for starting plants or even for growing plants to maturity and harvest. Many growers choose to start their plants in RainForest modules and later transplant them into larger systems like our WaterFarm. Several RainForest modules can be connected to a Texas Controller for larger installations. 17-Gallon Reservoir with Lid Six 3" Lid inserts, 3" Plastic Cups CocoTek Liners, CocoTek Caps 3-Part Flora Kit Vortex® Sprayer
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